Welcome to the St. Mary's Eldorado and St. Mary Harrisburg Parish Website.

Pastor - Fr. Christian Iwuagwu

Please see the Mass times below.  You are welcome to attend any of our weekend and/or weekday Masses. 

Confession - 30 minutes before Masses.

"This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it."  Ps 118:24

Church Online!

(the Holy Family private facebook group)

Your Parish Needs You!

Almost all our operating budget comes from Sunday collections... which are still hurting, while the bills are still coming in. Thank you for continuing your support, either by:

  • Mail to 2000 W Poplar, Harrisburg, IL 62946
  • Paypal (click here) and please select to which parish you are donating
  • Thank You!

Directions to St. Mary Harrisburg

Directions to St. Mary's Eldorado

Mass Times

Weekend Mass Schedule:

Saturday Evening 5:00 PM at St. Mary's Church in Eldorado, IL
Sunday Morning 8:00 AM at St. Paul Church in Vienna, IL
Sunday Morning 10:30 AM at St. Mary Church in Harrisburg, IL

Weekday Mass
Tuesday Evening 6:00 PM at St. Mary Harrisburg
Wednesday morning 8:00 AM at St. Mary's
Friday morning 7:30 AM at St. Mary's Eldorado with Adoration and 8:00 AM Mass


  • Sun, Feb 16th

  • Sun, Feb 9th

Office Hours

Parish Secretary - Pam Karnes
Office Hours (St. Mary Harrisburg):
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
8:00 AM-Noon (618) 253-7408 stmaryhb@frontier.com
Fr Barrett - 618-759-1707
St. Mary's Eldorado Cemetery Contacts:
Dewain Barrett - 618-841-5103


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